Increase Your Engine's Life

System "48-PLUS"
Helps You Fight Back For A Better, Longer-Lasting, More Economical Engine!

Just imagine how cruel and destructive "Excessive Friction"
can be to your engine and all those sensitive, indispensable
moving parts that are "Locked-In" to function smoothly!

First The Engine Walls have to be cleaned of harmful dirt,
Sludge and other "Caked-Up" deposits that cause problems!

Once System "48-PLUS" is added to your engine
It's first function is to help cleanse the walls
of these impurities-so that the solid film lubricants
(which are the vital components of this formula) can "Cling" to bare metals.
This is accomplished through a "surfacting" method which helps dissolve crusted
adhesions that are building up within your engine walls!

Hydraulic Valve Lifters must be able to function within the correct tolerances or
engine function can be seriously impaired. Contact with even minute particles,
can cause abrasive situations which lead to excessive pressures of heat and wear!

Upon application, System "48-PLUS" departs from the oil and "searches" for
the "Hot Spots" (which are the areas where undesirable contacts are being made
through one metal surface touching upon another). System "48-PLUS" then
lodges itself between these abnormal abutments-and acts as a "buffer" to offer
extraordinary super-lubrication that cannot be derived from common motor oils!

Pistons must be "advance lubricated" past the point of what
common oil has to offer. Extra protection is necessary to help
avoid or alleviate the "rasping" "grating" and "choking" that
can occur when internal metal parts make contact with each other!

Here once again, we find that System "48-PLUS" works itself in between "problem areas"
and stays there-so that continuing protection and easing of the frictional problems are not
affected in any way by oil changes. Since System "48-PLUS"
Has departed from the oiland found areas where its "sticking" action is necessary
It bears no relationship to the oil whatsoever!

The bearings have to glide smoothly and easily-or the engine will
have to work that much harder in order to achieve just the normal
performance your engine should be capable of. This strain can not
only have part swear out prematurely-but the added stress can also
lead to unexpected breakdowns and repairs!

That's what System "48-PLUS" is all about! It enables your engine to deliver
the solid performance and power it is capable of, once the crushing strangulations of
excessive friction have been eased. This is why you'll not only enjoy more security
against malfunctions and replacements... But you'll also experience the savings of money
on gas that was being used up unnecessarily-and being thrilled by the fact that
System "48-PLUS"is stayingin your engine,to make sure that you'll keep on benefiting
from it's continued performance to help save your engine-your car-and your dollars!

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